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Conference Crowd

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We make you Teach with Adrenaline!

Conference Crowd

Adrenaline realeased during the hoisting activity increases your Lesson retention

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A Student teaching other students, is a better learner

Book your Collaborative Robotics Program, remote Delivery:

32 Hours AU$7,999

Progamming genius.jpeg

8 Hours AU$2,079

collaborative robotics  empowers for quicker improvement

1 HOUR Au$275

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Teach with Adrenaline

PhD Candidate in Human Intelligence for Collaborative Robotics (Curtin University), MBT (UNSW), BE (Paris 6), Cert. IV TAE 
Curriculum & Delivery Manager
Phone/What's App: +61 469 584 804
1A, Twyford Pl, 
Innalloo WA 6018

Adrenaline makes students focus on their learning at Parnngurr Aboriginal School in the great Sandy Desert, Australia

© 2023 by Multi Lingual Engineering Pty. Ltd.

ABN: 75612424012

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